Most business and brand owners I know would love 1,000,000 views across their various videos, content and more. But they have no idea HOW to create content that people want to watch or share at that level... Or even what platform is best for their specific passion.
I’ve always been the kind of guy who likes to break things down into their most simple form then test it at scale. After helping people like Rihanna and Taylor Swift, and brands like IKEA and MTV “growth hack” their digital strategy...
I got an understanding few have of how the social algorithms work and what kind of content they like to reward you for posting.
Now bigger companies can afford to spend a ton of money producing and marketing their videos…
But what about entrepreneurs like you and I who want to grow our companies without ginormous budgets?
I wanted to see if these “algorithm secrets” would work for anyone… so I tested them on myself!
That’s how I grew my video view count far into the tens of millions… and how my team has generated billions of views using these same exact methods I want to share with you.
We also discovered how to engage, monetize and build a lasting brand presence with those views.
You can generate all the followers in the world, but if you don't know how to design content to engage them, get past the algorithms, and buy your products and services, it’s not worth a whole lot.
We’re going you walk you through the best way to do all of this (and more) in the One Million Views Club.
Once you join the One Million Views Club at the $1 trial level, you’ll get immediate access to our entire library of step by step processes, and an invite to the very next call happening where we’ll connect live.
We’ll get you set up with our 4-step process for creating ‘viral content,’ you’ll be invited to our weekly ‘content sprints,’ and you’ll begin to work directly with my best creative team who will coach you through becoming a master content creator.
Once you have mastery over what we’ll share with you, you can get millions of people to know your name and love your brand. This is no longer a secret reserved for celebrities and millionaires. My clients are doing it on a daily basis.
My entire team and I are dedicated to keeping you on track to obtaining all of your GROWTH GOALS! There is literally no way you can fail inside this community.